Thursday, December 15, 2005

What is it to be a HR man?

I did a mediocre BE and had no strategy in my mind on how to pursue my goals, because there weren’t any. My mom said ‘Go do MBA’ and that resulted in a paradigm shift in my life.

I applied SWOT analysis on myself and scored high on 20 of the 23 variables I considered.  Then I prepared a managerial effectiveness model and was better in global awareness and communication model, but scored poorly in self management competency. I then proceeded to get a 360 degree appraisal involving all stakeholders, to get both a subjective and objective analysis of myself.

I realized that the external environment was very complex that collaboration and not competition that is necessary. Therefore I was tempted to form a cross-functional team in my CAT exam hall to pool the skill sets and form a synergistic and organic relationship for handling complexity, like the CAT paper. But in a complex environment, ethics is more important than ever. So I did a cost-benefit analysis for competition vs. collaboration by a new model that I developed in the exam hall, and found that….

Sounak: Wake up, why are you sleeping over the DWO (Designing Work organization) book?      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sucks big time!!!