Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy b'day America

US recently had its 300 millionth baby, the last 100 million was also its fastest. While European union, Japan, Russia and to some extent China are on a suicidal spree (shrinking population in the next few decades), US population is expected to cross 400 million by as early as 2043 (Economist). This will help avert problems that will plague others (social security, insufficient workforce, culture clashes with immigrants etc.) and fortunately/unfortunately, US dominance may not wane anytime soon.


Id it is said...

It's ironic that a day from today we celebrate Thanksgiving in this country; a tradition that honors the original settlers of this land for bequeathing us this land of plenty that we have so plentifully misused!
Thanks for your greetings anyhow.

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

could this be attributed to a rise in the asian populace on d continent ?