Monday, December 04, 2006

Hail Gravitas!


Pronunciation: 'gra-v&-"täs, -"tas

  • high seriousness (as in a person's bearing or in the treatment of a subject)
  • Name of our institute publication.

Our communication professor is the Editor with 6 people on board. (3 seniors and 3 first years). Last year was its inception. They had dabbled with some magazine sometime back and dropped it later. Anyway, last year it was close to institute fest when we came up with the idea (my seniors to be precise) and we discussed endlessly as to what the end product will look like and who will find it useful. After dismissing journal like stuff (our institute has one called Metamorphosis, but no one cares to remember let alone read). Magazine is too juvenile to be taken seriously. So we zeroed in on the sweet spot, an Indian HBR.

Next was the name- we discussed Ergo (doesn’t it sound like a burp?), Citius Altius Fortius (unreadable), Chrysilis (what’s this fixation with Greek names?) etceeeeettttteeeerraa..Gravitas (C’mon! Let’s move on to more important things)

Next was to decide who will write and who will read. If we want industry captains to read it, why not ask them to write? Great. Things started to move on pretty fast. We decided a theme and possible list of speakers who embody them ask them to write and bingo! Pops the magazine.

Well, it didn’t go quite that way, because the toughest part was the last one. Anyway, our revered editor pulled the first edition herself- did the convincing. We, on the other hand, did the donkey work- proof read, designed, published, distributed, and wrote a thank you note (Boy! Was she paranoid about that part?)

Second edition is slightly different- we still have a theme ‘Indian roots, global ambitions’, still zeroed on the speakers (industry captains, sportsmen, politicians, writers, economists), the only little part we are supposed to do is convincing. You call the secretary, talk talk talk and we get the article, right? WRONG! I did try it last year with no success. Tried 6, converted none. Somehow everybody had gone to China. (China is definitely a threat)

This time I tried the same people. Rang the secretary and said hello Mr. Das. How do you know my name? I talked to you last year also, remember? Well, the other end is sympathetic this time. Yesterday’s rejects are today’s converts. Today’s, tomorrow’s converts and so on.

Lesson 2- Mr. Secretary? Yes saar (sir). Tamizha? Amam. How did you know? Never mind. Mother tongue worked!!!

We have only 2 articles till date (and a few commitments) and one and a half months to go. I’m still apprehensive. C’mon buggers! Let’s do exactly that.

1 comment:

Id it is said...

You till have a month plus to go; don't lose heart, the muses still have time to smile down upon you. hehe
A maiden venture is always an uphill task, but keep at it and you'll get there.
Is it traditional/mandatory for publications such as these to have serious sounding names?