Saturday, October 22, 2005

Why do i feel an empty space?

Statutory warning: Don’t read it. It’s a sure depressant.

Most of the term I marks have come. I’ve done okay in some, not so okay in others, brilliant in none. What the hell, aren’t all IIMs get placed? Still makes me a bit sad.

Summers are round the corner. The more I hear the alumni talk, the more the PPTs I attend, the more humble I feel. (To quote Churchill, I’m a humble person who has a lot to feel humble about)

The summers forms are eating a lot of time, and I never seem to have any for the reading a thing, completing an assignment, or doing a host of things I get advice about, be it research companies or increase business awareness (it’s funny I crib when a lot of people do even more in their 24/7/365).

I’m cursed with an expressive face and a whimsical temper, so it’s clear to those close to me that I’m not my usual self (And it makes me sick every time they say that!).

I’m a laidback person, and I’m not used to this, damn it! (Whatever ‘it’ is). Give me a break. May be I’ll.

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